Commissioned for Made in L.A.: Acts of Living at the Hammer Museum, 2023
Contributing Artists: Karla Aguiñiga, Tanya Aguiñiga, Natalie M Godinez, Juan Villavicencio, Sergio Soberanes, Katie Mejia, AMBOS Ceramics students at Jardin de las Mariposas (TJ, MX) and Casa Arcoiris (TJ, MX); Public workshop participants in Los Angeles, San Diego and Tijuana.
To create the installation for Made in LA: Acts of Living, the AMBOS Project team hosted a series of workshops in Tijuana, San Diego, and Los Angeles with people with different experiences with migration, from recently arrived asylum seekers and refugees in Tijuana to people who had just migrated to the United States, to first-generation hyphenated Americans, to others whose families had been in the United States for generations. During these workshops, the team conducted interviews about connections to handcrafted objects and other objects that hold cultural and family histories, as well as about how their families maintain and transmit their culture.
Para crear la instalación para Made in LA, el equipo del Proyecto AMBOS organizó una serie de talleres en Tijuana, San Diego y Los Ángeles con personas con diferentes experiencias con la migración, desde solicitantes de asilo y refugiados recién llegados a la frontera en Tijuana, hasta personas que acababan de emigrar a los Estados Unidos y Estadounidenses de primera generación, a otros cuyas familias habían estado en los Estados Unidos durante generaciones. Durante estos talleres, el equipo realizó entrevistas sobre las conexiones con objetos hechos a mano que contienen historias culturales y familiares, así como de las maneras que sus familias mantienen y transmiten su cultura.
Audio recorded by Karla Aguiñiga and Sergio Soberanes. Edited and mixed by Sergio Soberanes.
Photos: Art Made Between Opposite Sides (AMBOS). Installation view, Made in L.A. 2023: Acts of Living, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, October 1-December 31, 2023. Courtesy of the Hammer Museum. Photo: Joshua White